Above ground truck scales – 90% of all scales manufactured today are of this design. Typically when installed on a level roadway they have a height of about 12 - 15” above the foundation. This requires the construction of approaches and ramps to access the scale. The typical footprint for a scale of this type is 150’ x 12’ wide. State laws have requirements that specify the length and grade of the approach ramps. Each state is different but Louisiana requires the first 10’ to be level with the top of the scale deck before starting the ramps. The length of the approach cannot be any less than 35’. The biggest advantage of this scale is the access for maintenance and cleanout of debris.
Pit installed Scales – There are installations that require the minimum amount of footprint because of space considerations. In this application a pit type scale is installed. The scale is constructed in a 4’-6’ deep pit and is set to the grade of the roadway. The major drawbacks of this type of scale are 1) confined space regulations, cleanout, higher maintenance and increased construction costs.
Very well-written. Thanks for this idea. Now I can work with my truck.