Yesterday I asked the question - "What makes your service office unique from your competition?" I constantly look for ways to improve both my personal life and Pioneer Scale. I find that reading helps me do this. Currently I'm reading a book called Neuromarketing. It's a good book on the psychology of decision making by the people and most importantly out customer. The question that they pose in Chapter 2 - Differentiate your claims - is "What is special about this place that makes someone want to buy there?" We have a special company that is truly unique in the weighing industry but we too often waste opportunities to present our company in light of what we feel is unique about us.
The person who can up with the best thought out and concise answer was ...............?
Before I congratulate them I would like for your to read what they wrote:
What makes Pioneer Scale – Texarkana excel over its competitors.
I will sum it up in 2 words…. Personable Relationship!
Okay Keith.. I am just going to explain as it flows out of my heart.. so it will not be all perfectly typed and organized… I am
First of all.. the contracts I run are my customers.. not pioneers.. so to speak. I try to maintain a personal relation with my customers. The first example that pops into my mind is Momentive-Longview.. I was just there a few days ago. I know that she has a disabled child at home. And that a year ago she started training for a marathon walk for Susan B Khoman race for the cure. So all last year I was always asking her how her training was going. So, when I was there for the first time this year.. I asked her.. was she still training? So, she filled me in on how she has stepped up her training and how much weights she was wearing while she was walking.
Another example, Gay, at Tyson- Broken Bow. I know that she lost her son a couple of years ago in an accident. Now that a little time has passed an she is comfortable talking about it. She is always asking me about my son.. We compare the similarities between them.
There are tons of more examples I could say. But I will just give 1 last example.. and I think it will sum it up pretty well.. I still have some of your Dads customers that are always asking me about him.
So, I feel we give them great service.. oh wait.. another example.. Just today.. I was at Clayton Lumber in Clayton, Ok. They called us a week ago.. I was somewhere else.. so David went there an replaced their load cell. I went there today to calibrate it. They told me the scale company they had used before.. had just called them today.. it took them this long to respond to their service call. I told him we strive to make same day service. He said he would be calling us for any future repairs.
So.. basically in a nutshell.. we give great service with a personal touch.
Thank you Larry Cain. What you wrote embodies what dad tried to create with each and every customer he ever had. He knows the value of a personal relationship. Although this is not the only thing whaich makes Pioneer Scale unique it is definitely as important as any other.
What to consider when buying a Truck Scale .............. a personal/personable relationship with a scale company.
Those are some of the important things in business. The thought is forward-looking and has a place of value with the relationship to your customers.